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We are not responsible for the contents posted by the users on this website and the users/posters/authors of this website are solely responsible for the contents.

Please also see Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act for more information on the use of this site, you may also find this link useful. DatingPsychos in no way means intent to harm and is very reasonable to work with. The goal of this website is to protect our visitors from cheaters and abusers and allow the abused to vent and report.

DatingPsychos is acting as a common carrier in providing an interactive computer service and as such, provides a forum for posting comments made by 3rd parties, but does not endorse, approve, or otherwise evaluate any of the content posted.

Are you the Author or Writer of a Post on DatingPsychos?

Did you create a profile yourself? If you are the author of a profile, you may send us an email to submit a request for removal of your post.

Please note that we must verify that you are indeed the original author. In order to help us with the verification process, please send us the email that was used to create the user account and the profile, and also the username used to create the profile.

A link to the profile that you’re referring to should also be included. Please send all of this information to us in order to ensure that the profile is removed promptly. Any missing information (email, username, or link to the profile) will cause delays in the removal process.

***Please be aware that we receive hundreds of requests for removals each week. Some are from the real author, and some are not. Therefore, it could take in excess of 60 days to review your information and proceed with removal. Therefore, it’s paramount that you provide us the stated details above to ensure as prompt of a removal as possible.

***We do remove the full profile from our site. This includes pictures and comments. However, a record of the post will remain on our server for legal reasons.

Author of Comments?

The same rules as stated previously apply to delete any comments that you have personally posted. Once we can verify your comments, they will be deleted. You must know that once your comments are deleted, any and all comments you’ve ever made on our site will be deleted as well. You will also no longer be able to make any further comments with that same username, and you’ll have to create a new username in order to do so. Lastly, if an entire profile is deleted, all comments on that particular profile will be deleted as well.

DMCA reports sent here
DatingPsychos wasn’t created with intent to harm, and we’re very easy to work with. Our goal is simply to protect our visitors from abusers, cheaters, and people that could be otherwise harmful to others.