Comments on: Marcos Duroe London, – Exposing the Psychos of the World Thu, 25 Oct 2018 01:06:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marcos_Duroe_is_Cryptease_on_Telegram_App Sun, 14 Oct 2018 14:43:36 +0000 Many, your compassion is much appreciated.

Seems like you know Marcos Duroe personally and his predatory pattern of going after much younger women and foreign at that. In his twisted mind they are “trophies”, but also much easier to isolate & manipulate future victims.

After all that obese bore only comes alive when giving his “friends” dating advice, aka how to use, humiliate and brainwash women. His delusional believe is such that he is an alfa male and his “friends” are beneath him losers who lack the game. Yeah, right! Thankfully, none of those friends listened to him and many are now married & have kids.

Marco Duroe, as you said – lonely, pathetic loser using other people, both men and women, as meal tickets – be it for money, connections or knowledge as his IQ and decision making ability are rather questionable. More like a trained monkey with a few overused “pick up” lines and pity inducing “seduction”tricks learned from Youtube. Desperately trying to validate himself and heal his insecurities with lies and never-ending manipulation:

~ Growing up on a Sheffield council estate – so now flashing money when he has them and deluding himself into thinking that he is some big shot (face palm). The way he got to this money.. hmmm… let’s say in less than honest & honourable way;

~ Genetic deformities, also on his embarrassingly SO-NOT-GENEROUSLY-SIZED PRIVATES (vitiligo – loss of skin colour in the form of depigmented patches of skin). Constant lies about “medical emergencies” that never happened are his favourite get-out-of-jail free card as is playing a victim when he gets caught with his pants down. Literally. And when none of that works anymore and the victim caught up to his shenanigans, the mask falls off and the raging, aggressive bully emerges (just like Amanda11 said above years back). Unjustified, unsubstantiated, uncalled for name calling a woman a c**t, a b***h, a w***e, a cheap trash is just a tip of the iceberg. Add to this frequent substance abuse and you have a recipe for disaster.

~ All of his life – unwanted, unloved and unlovable yet desperately incapable of being alone. Creating fake “relationships” and pathetically calling any woman who looks his way “a girlfriend” – think joining Coachsurfing and luring very young girls “to sleep on his sofa” for “free” while embellishing his real age by a decade or so. Interestingly enough he has a rather camp mannerism and a taste for very young, flat-chested, boyish looking girls. I will let you draw your own conclusions.

Similar story with many other social media platforms. A part of his hunting grounds despite condescendingly characterizing its members in an incredibly derogatory and disrespectful way … yet he “dates” them and is one of them … after creating a profile under not-so-real name. Probably, so that his current victim won’t get a wind of what’s going on behind her back and in her face.

All of it makes you wonder what happened in his childhood / what his mom did or didn’t do (not that his behaviour is anybody’s fault, but his own), that he hates women so much and loves getting a raise out of them aka negative attention which he mistakes for “love”. Yet, he is incapable of love, never loved anybody and those poor women are nothing more but objects he uses to attempt and heal his insecurities / satisfy his needs. Sad, really. He won’t let a woman he just spew out move on and will attempt to keep her “on rotation” with horrendous lies and taunts while simultaneously cheating on her. The only way to make him leave you alone once and for all, is some old good reverse psychology aka the above mentioned negative attention as paradoxically that makes him feel like he won (yet another face palm). Even moving to another country might turn out not to be enough – that’s how pathetic, controlling and desperate he is.

As far as the women go who had the misfortune of crossing paths with @mduroe #metoo, I am sure that they are weirdly grateful for the life lesson and empathetic towards his mental insufficiencies despite the abuse suffered. He is damaged. And not goods. Just damaged.

All the women are so much better off now that he is out of their lives and are doing amazingly well both professionally & personally – appreciating meaningful interactions with good people around: fantastic friends, loving families, phenomenal husbands and beautiful babies.

Marcos Duroe can only dream about those blessings. Sure, one day when he decides he needs a nurse to wipe his saggy, senile a**e, he will trap some poor, empathetic soul with the carrot of “wife & babies” (taking into account his age & genetic issues, I highly doubt he is able to father a healthy baby – maybe that’s why he sadistically enjoys taunting women with babies and stealing their youth, as he knows he can’t have babies, so why should they). There will be nothing genuine about that union though – just a business transaction for him after he conditions her like a Pavlov’s dog into submission with constant hot & cold, push & pull, fake break ups, manufactured drama, false promises of change & countless therapies (which are just an avenue for @mduroe to learn some new tricks – the mental hospital where he was forcibly admitted to as mentioned by somebody in the comments above didn’t help), etc. Truly evil, cruel, dark, premeditated psychological manipulation tactics meant to create a strong Stockholm Syndrome.

As you said Many – he will die a pathetic loser who the world can only pity. After all, psychopaths can’t be helped. Scientific fact.

By: Many Thu, 30 Aug 2018 21:54:23 +0000 I am sorry for both of you…this is really sad. You for wasting your precious time and youth on this guy and him for being this pathetic lonely old loser…
