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Jimmie Dommer

First Name : Jimmie
Last Name : Dommer
Gender : Female
Age: 18
Occupation: Disabled
City : Roanoke
Country : US
Alias 1: Crystal Zimmerman
Alias 2: Crystal St Clair
Alias 3: Jimmie Zimmerman

Jimmy is a girl who lives in Roanoke Virginia. She has lived in several cities before she moved here. She is addicted to drugs, and commonly uses drugs with her own mother. Jimmy has been known to spread diseases throughout the Roanoke area and other cities in which she has lived. She has herpes, she also has had vaginitis and gonorrhea, plus chlamydia several times. It is rumored that she May be HIV positive but continues to engage in prostitution. She prostitutes for amounts of money as small as five dollars and pills called OxyContin OR Lortab. She smokes crack and crystal meth. She uses morphine patches. She lives beside a housing project call James town and at night she will sneak out of her window and crawl through a hole in the fence, where she will stand and wait for men Who mostly come to her for oral sex. I ended up catching herpes because my EX boyfriend was very stupid and didn\'t know that you could get that from oral sex. None of this is rumors, it is all true and there are many women who say the same as me. Even her own father hates her, and has a restraining order against her because she steals. She shoplifts, robs houses and sells anything she can to get drug money. I\'m not a mean girl but people need to beware of what can happen if they don\'t use condoms. Every single time! Herpes is incurable.

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