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Jen Demura

First Name : Jen
Last Name : Demura
Gender : Female
Age: 31
Occupation: Special Education Teacher in Brooklyn
City : Brooklyn
Country : US
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This psycho bitch is nothing but never ending bullshit. Jen looks wise is a 6 out of 10 which makes her decent enough to use for sex but is super annoying, boring, and desperate. You get that creepy feeling from her, the kind you only get from the truly desperate chicks with zero self-esteem. So you dump her like many men before. The End. No not quite. Jen cannot help but stalk exes, their families, their friends, and the new person you're with persistently and psychotically. This psycho bitch cannot let go and has a "rich" imagination, believing relationships and feelings exist where they don't. It goes from flattering, to irritating and straight up embarrassing and creepy. Nothing stops this girl, not phasing her out, not ignoring her, not telling her off. Unless you really want to have someone who has no boundaries and will chronically bother you and your family/friends for the rest of your life, do not go near this girl. Giving her your phone number is like volunteering to be added onto a telemarketers call list. Your email will be bombarded with nauseating life updates, emotional realizations, and other nonsense you could not give a shit about. Hey Jen, you're in your 30s and no one's ever even considered marrying you. Pull it together. Keep all this "can't let go of the past, let's be in each other's lives forever" needy psychotic shit and I guarantee no one is gonna be in your life forever, you are dying alone. You suck in bed, are needy as fuck, untrustworthy, and have that ugly mole on your face,but the worst is you can't respect the needs and wishes of those others like those who have rejected you. GET OVER IT YOU PSYCHO BITCH.

8/20/14 08:01PM -

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7/14/14 12:18AM - Gaz.M - Wow sounds like a hand full
8/17/14 09:47AM - zur - I know this chick, she's insane and has a putrid snatch. She's got HPV and Herpes. She's all over health boards asking about how to treat genital warts the size of golf balls and genital scar tissue from Herpes. Total fucking nut.

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