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Gio Ardizzola

First Name : Gio
Last Name : Ardizzola
Gender : Male
Age: 57
Occupation: Guitarist Soulicide Band Florida
City : Pompano Beach
Country : US
Alias 1: Brian Harelik
Alias 2: Evann Black
Alias 3: Jeanette Hakimi
Website 1: click to view website
Website 2: click to view website
Website 3: click to view website,0,497004.htmlpage

Read these articles. Keep Pushing. Look at picture. Websites. Ask everyone.

Publics interest is only to save other babies from being used in sex crimes.
That is the full purpose of this profile...saving children from harms way.

Inform Law Enforcement...especially the FBI of everything you know about these people listed and their involvement in the Child Porn industry. Then go public with your information so they have to do their jobs.

They didn't even allow the parents of these babies to look at the videos so they can find their little babies that have been missing. Think about how many children could have been saved if they would have just thought of the parents and babies instead of their financial gains and careers. Those children can now be dead and used in more child pornography movies. The Captain of the child crimes unit stated under oath while being deposed that it was full of adults having sexual intercourse with minor children under 5 years old...WTF?? who takes evidence into posession of this magnitude and erase it accidentilly? instead of making copies?? even the regular Joe makes copies of important things right??? are we suppose to believe they are just incompetent?? do they think people are stupid??

Did you know that a forensics department automatically saves anything being viewed? anything?? even anything that could be erased it is automatically back they lied...period and those that did lie will be brought to Justice one way or another. As this will never end until Justice is served on those involved.

"please help save other innocent children from harms way"
any information regarding the children that were used in the CHILD PORNOGRAPHY videos and still photos please call and email both the SUN SENTINEL with all your evidence so they can help investigate what the police are not doing and make this more public so the culprits can be brought to justice.
Call and email your local congressman and senators. Insist on them making calls to whom ever would be interested in saving children from child pornographers. Send links to everyone you know and ask them what they know?? then report it so Justice can be served and these children can be brought back to their loved ones. Babies having sex with adults...what can be a worse crime then that??

LOOK AT THE WEBSITE>>THE NAMES LISTED>>>anyone you know who was busted..set up and send information to the SUN SENTINEL so they can investigate if any crimes have been committed and who benefitted from it.

Read this article...Sun Sentinel is very interested in any information regarding confidential informants in the state of Florida...especially Broward County Miami Dade....residing in Pompano Beach and surrounding areas.

Do you know this person? Do you know anyone that was busted that knew this guy? that was set up? we are investigating what the truth is and provide as much information to the FBI and Sun Sentinel. We are only interested in saving other children from being used in child pornography...that is everyones main focus.

Please contact Sun Sentinel ...they are offering assistance with any new information leading to the public knowledge of Confidential Informants living in your area so they can investigate who profited from it and who was illegally working for profit under an off the books confidential informant program as this is illegal and skips due process which allows the victims to seek Justice. This is a public awareness site that offers people a chance to protect innocent people from illegal crimes and children left in harms way. Innocent people from being set up for profit...coached into a crime they wouldn't have done unless minipulated and officers looking to further their own careers. This is BIG BUSINESS folks and People are getting let off the hook for child pronography and then be allowed to make a profit from another persons misfortune is a crime.

This person above Gio Ardizzola was caught redhanded with CHILD PORNOGRAPHY among others things and was never warrants investigations and no witnesses can that be? ask does someone commit 36 counts of child pornography downloads and be caught with CHILD PORNOGRAPHY discs red handed and even testify to a sheriff named CAPTIAN NATHAN OSGOOD of the Broward County Sheriffs office #954-888-5300 (whom is in charge of the CHILD CRIMES UNIT) and all of a sudden the evidence a ghost (they said it was accidentilly erased in a forensics department inside of the STATE OF THE ART FACILITY.... A Sheriffs forensics lab) you cannot erase discs in a forensics lab that defeats the purpose of saving you think people are stupid??? and then even after they said this happened one goes back for more evidence? in a deposition it states from the Captin himself "so many discs existed in his home that we couldn't possibly have looked at all of them" but when the evidence you did have was destroyed it didn\'t click to go back and get more idiot?? the case is squahed before it was even started? no traces but this Sheriff Event Report dated 6/19/2011 filed and available upon request at the Broward County Sheriffs office. Call Captain Nathan Osgood 954-888-5300 and get yourself a free copy. Ask him for yourself why didn't you go back and get more evidence?? get a sworn statement of confession?? you had him rehanded.

Evann Black - Former singer "Angels of Bedlym" witnessed herself Gio Ardizzola putting CHILD PORNOGRAPHY on while making moves on her in his own home.

BRIAN HARELIK - Former roommate of Gio Ardizzola and part of the Jesse Thompson Project band Ft. Lauderdale. - he and GIO ARDIZZOLA made child pronography together and Gio Ardizzola admitted to Captain Nathan Osgood that he downloaded the child pornography himself from Brian Hareliks computer (FEDERAL CRIME by the way) we are talking to the DOJ and that is what a high profil prosecutor said. So even if the evidence was destroyed the FBI sould have been contacted immediatelly and they were not...wake up folks.

BRIAN HARELIK AND GIO ARDIZZOLA stored them on discs in between retail industry movies like Rocky and so on and then sold these child porn movies for profit... these popular movies had child porn hidden in them so you would have to watch the whole movie just to find the little segment buried they were hidden..very professional.

They used a process called "Grooming" look it up and think about what is going on in your life with your children as this is how they hide their children sex crimes and get away with it.

JEANETTE HAKIMI whom knew Gio Ardizzola personally and will tell you what a creep he is.

Spread the word....everyone send this link on their FACEBOOK and social media sites. Find out about these people listed and their involvement in child pornography and inform Law Enforcement and the Sun Sentinel.

Public awareness and saving children from harms way..that is the only interest in this site..this save babies from sex crimes.

** WE ARE not SAYING that GIO ARDIZZOLA is a confidential informant we are just investigating if he is??** and whom is he working for or with?? as he is still around children and they can be used in child pornography and since he was never arrested we need the publics help to figure out why? not even investigated even after being caught? why? the public deserves to know the truth so the public can save more babies.**

Gio Ardizzola is NOT even on the website listing child sex criminals...why? he was caught with child porn and that is provable and fact because Gio Ardizzola even admitted why not put him on the CHILD SEX CRIMES WEBSITE for the whole world to make sure he never goes near any children...which was suggested by Captain Nathan Osgood of Broward County Child Crimes unit himself under oath while being why folk?? WTF is really going on here??

Dig Deep everyone and Report and Facebook..Facebook...Facebook. until Justice is served and babies are saved.

Good Luck Everyone!!!

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7/12/14 05:38PM - lizz - Elizabeth Cole, you're such a clown. Now that you're being taken to court for being in contempt that's what you're coming up with? LOL. Elizabeth Cole, subpoenas are going, state attorney is involved, least 10 years in jail for you. Where does it state that the gentleman listed above has been caught with child porn and has 36 counts of it? Uuuuhhh, of course you cannot provide us with that, because there is absolutely nothing that says it. Contrastingly, there are so many evidence against you! I mean, all the letters you've been sending to the Judge in the FMCE11012601 case, the three videos have been held for evidence. Now, we will subpoena Evan Black, Jeannette Hakimi (oh that other fat clown who can't get over the fact that Gio doesn't want him...another one like you), and Brian, and Darren Sisino...all will be involved. Let's not forget your aunt who supposedly got offered drugs. Lol...all the evidence is in the hands of the state attorney as they're investigating. We'll have more subpoenas issued to DCF, Hisbiscus Children's Center, etc. And, expect to have this published in newspapers, and several local news channels. You think you have the upper hand when all you have is your lies. And to all parties involved, good luck, as you will need a lot of it.

Additionally, Elizabeth Cole viewed the child porn disc and held on to it for about a year. God knows why!!! And suddenly, she knows all about the terms used in child pornography. Is it because of Darren Sisino, who was involved in the raping of a child back in Denver, Colorado? You will not escape the law. The letters and videos failed you Elizabeth. Why do you think that no one is taking you seriously? The contempt shall be your first sanction.

Lastly, this is not Giorgio Ardizzola.

DARREN WAS HIRED TO COMIT ANOTHER MURDER AND TRIED TO RAPE THE VICTIM IN DENVER, COLORADO. He's trying to escape the law, so he settled in FL, where he is grooming children.

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