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Tony Mai

First Name : Tony
Last Name : Mai
Gender : Male
City : last known area: Seattle
Country : US
Alias 1: “PUA” (Pick Up Artist)

The information below came from and it was probably posted two or more years ago but the DDHG profiler did not post an age for him in the profile about him, so I encourage her to post a comment and tell us his age. In 2012, lists an ANTHONY T MAI with an address history in Renton, WA and Bellevue, WA, but not for Seattle, and the site does not list his age; lists a TONY MAI (aliases “Victoria T Mai” , “T Mai” , “Thach Mai” and “Thu Thi Mai”), age 37, with an address history in Alameda, CA; Seattle, WA; Oakland, CA and Everett, MA, but the alias “Victoria” seems to indicate that person as a female, not a male. This is what is/was posted on DDHG. :

“[He] pretends to own businesses, leads women to think he is successful (mostly through clever manipulation of facts (think BILL Clinton, except broke and NOT charismatic) He studied a book call “The Game” and through this, able to trick women into thinking he’s something he’s totally not. What he’s not but want you to think that he is: rich, kind, loyal, caring, sweet, marriage material...etc What he is: abusive husband and father of a newborn, who used “THE GAME” to get laid, who will tell you anything you want to hear to get into your pants. His method: minimal upfront investment of a nice dinner, maybe dinner at his place. 2nd method: Never try anything on the first date. He gets you by thinking he got money, talent, potential...etc Basically, nothing he really has to prove early on. By the time you figure his game out, it’ll be too late. He already slept with you. He got nothing to lose: you’re cheaper than his early on hookers who charges $150/hr (he doesn’t care for the high-end ones either: cost too much!) Girlfriends: take your time and get to know a guy before jumping into bed with him. Listen to your mother (and your better judgment!). The world is full of PUAs like Tony Mai. Read THE GAME and thank me later for saving you time and grief. It’s on Amazon. Plenty of women have been tricked including me. Don’t be another one of his victims. Be a smart woman and protect your heart. And after you dump his sorry ass, don’t give him the satisfaction of knowing where you got your information. Please allow your fellow sisters to know about this guy by protecting the source: never reveal this site to him! In the spirit of sisterhood, AmazonBabe ‘Always look out for each other against womanizing scammers like Tony Mai’ ”

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7/07/14 06:34AM - monique here ;-) - Tony Mai recently retaliated to the above posting with his own "psycho profile". Unfortunately for him, none of the information he submitted is truthful. He probably has used his sister Victoria T. Mai or Thu T. Mai's SSN to apply for commercial loans to fund his condo development back in 2007, hence the confusion of male/female stated above.
7/08/14 04:11PM - monique here ;-) - Tony Mai was born in 1975, so he's pushing 40. He may be hiding in Northern California or Vietnam.

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